The tree-view shows all the currently loaded GIS data and reflects the structure of the data within Openwind.
Right-clicking on any layer within the tree-view will bring up the Layer menu. Right-clicking elsewhere in the tree-view will bring up the tree-view menu with the following options:
•New Layer
oFolder - create a new empty layer as a container for organizing other layers
oTurbine Layout - create a new SiteLayer
oGridded Turbine Layout – create a new GriddedTurbineLayer
oSensor Grid Layer – create a grid of tiny turbines in order to map wake effects ( Sensor Grid Layers )
oCollector System Layer – create a new TreeLayer with interpretation Site Cabling
oAccess Roads Layer - create a new TreeLayer with interpretation Access Roads
oHigh-Voltage Cable Layer - create a new TreeLayer with interpretation High Voltage Line
oEnvironmental Sensors - create a new Environmental Sensor Layer
oSubstations – create a new Substation Layer
oGrid Connects – create a new Grid Connection Layer
oWind Map - create a new WindMapLayer
oPoints - create a new PointLayer
oLines - create a new LineLayer
oPolygons - create a new PolygonLayer
oMet Mast – create a new MetMastLayer
•Open All - expands all nodes in the tree showing all the layers
•Close All - contracts all nodes in the tree so only the workspace node is visible
•Show All - makes all layers visible in the map-view (although some layers may be obscured as a result)
•Hide All - makes all layers invisible in the map-view
The tree-view supports drag-and-drop as well as multi-select (holding down shift or ctrl) if users wish to rearrange the layer hierarchy (see Sections 8.3 and 8.4). If the user selects multiple parent layers and moves them around, then the hierarchy of the children layers of those parent layers will remain the same. If parent and children layers are all selected and moved, then they will all become equal in the hierarchy.