Substation layers are used to specify the properties of potential substation locations.
•Easting – the x coordinate of the grid connection point in meters
•Northing – the y coordinate of the grid connection point in meters.
•Base cost – fixed cost of using this substation.
•Cost per MW – additional cost of this substation with every MW of generating capacity that uses this substation. This cost is in addition to the cost per feeder bay.
•No Load Losses – this is the electrical power consumed by the substation whether or not any power is being transmitted through this substation.
•Full Load Losses – this is a loss in addition to the no load losses. It is multiplied by the square of the current power over the square of the rated power with the rated power being the total amount of capacity connected to this substation.
•Set Maximum Feeder Bay Capacity – with this option checked the user can increase the amount of generating capacity connected to this feeder bay beyond the largest cable type capacity. This is only used when consolidating circuits (see Optimiser for the Cost of Energy (OCOE) )
If a buildable area is specified for a substation layer by using layer validity, this will affect where the substation points can be moved when optimising substation locations.