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Point Layers

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PointLayers are a type of vector layer in which the constituent data objects are points. PointLayers are the simplest of the vector layers, but their importance lies in the fact that they are the basis for many other layers such as Site Layers and Environmental Sensor Layers.



Figure 34:   PointLayer Display Tab


The Display tab shown in figure 34 is more or less common to all vector layers. See Section 11 for an explanation of the “Color By Field” functionality.



Figure 35:   PointLayer Attributes Tab


In figure 35 you can see that the Attributes tab for a PointLayer is very similar to the one described in Section 9 on vector layers with the addition of the Reorder button. PointLayers can be reordered from West to East, East to West, North to South, South to North, or they can be done manually.

By choosing to manually reorder, a user will trigger the closing of the Properties dialog and the acceptance of any changes made as if they had pressed “OK.” The user would then click on the objects they wished to order, starting with the object they want to be number 1, then object number 2 and so on until all the objects are renumbered or until they are satisfied and have selected a different layer.

Editing of PointLayer geometry is covered in View Menu.

In Info mode, hovering over a point will show the value of the current select attribute field.




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