The map-view is a plan-view of the data contained in the tree-view.
The map-view can be panned, zoomed and browsed using the pan, zoom and info tools (see Section 4.5). Vector layers can be edited using the edit tool. While most of the features of the mapping view are described elsewhere in this document (not to mention later in this section), several idiosyncratic features of the interface do not fit elsewhere and are therefore catalogued here.
By double left-clicking on the map-view when the info button is selected, users can initiate a search for vector objects. The search starts with the currently selected vector layer (if there is one) and checks that layer for any objects at the current mouse location. If it finds one, the interface will throw up a Layer Properties dialog for that vector layer—the selected object will be the vector object that was clicked on. If Openwind fails to find an object from the currently selected layer, it will then search through all the currently visible vector layers in the workspace, from the top down (as viewed in the tree-view). The first vector object that it finds at the mouse location will bring up a Properties dialog for the layer that contains the object and with that object currently selected in the dialog.
With a WRGLayer as the currently selected layer in the tree-view, users can double right-click on the map-view, with either the pan tool or the info tool selected, to create a met mast layer at the current mouse location. If the user answers “yes,” Openwind will create a fake met mast by using the Weibull parameters in the WRG. This function is now largely surpassed by the browsing function in Info mode which displays a wind rose cursor that dynamically changes as it passes over the WRGLayer or WindMapLayer ( Preferences ).