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Wind Resource Grids

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A wind resource grid (WRG) is a data structure that, in the broadest sense, describes how the wind resource varies across the site. All wind resource grids are regularly spaced grids of information describing the wind resource. However, the information they contain can differ.

A WAsP wind resource grid contains a probability (P), a Weibull shape parameter (K) and a Weibull scale parameter (A) for each direction at each point in the grid.

An Openwind wind resource grid, or WindMapLayer, contains a probability (P) and a wind speed (U) at each point in the grid. Openwind wind resource grids can only be used in conjunction with Met Mast Layers as they do not contain sufficient information to describe the wind speed distribution. For this reason, the P values are only for display purposes as they are always overwritten by the MetMastLayer probabilities.

A wind resource grid is required in order to be able to carry out an energy capture calculation in Openwind. Wind resource grids can be limited in the area of validity using child layers and can be copied so that the same WRG can be used with multiple Met Mast Layers.

A wind resource grid is independent of its display layers. The display rasters can be deleted and recreated without affecting the WRG itself.

When recreating the display layers, any associated MetMastLayer will be used to recalculate the mean wind speed layers.

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