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Check Legality - this function provides a quick check to see if a layout is obeying any constraints and that there are WRGs covering the turbine locations. It won’t spot problems with time series energy capture but should get almost everything else.

Energy Capture - perform an energy capture using the current energy capture settings

Optimise Turbine Positions - start optimising the turbine positions (see Optimisation ).

Enable Cost of Energy

Calculate ZVI (Zone of Visual Impact )- create one or multiple rasters indicating the visual impact of the turbines in the workbook.

Calculate Noise - create a raster of noise levels due to the turbines in the workbook (see Noise Model ).

Calculate Shadow Flicker (commercial version only, not open-source) - create a raster showing those areas where shadow flicker may be an issue (see Shadow Flicker ).

Create WSM – creates wind sector management strategy. This functionality still needs more work. We welcome feedback on this feature.

Remove Wake Effects from Met Masts ( Remove Wake Effects ).

Operation Scripter - activate Openwind scripting dialog ( Scripting Tool ).


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