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Navigation: Turbine Types

High Wind Hysteresis

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Figure 101:   Turbine Type High Wind Hysteresis Tab


The high wind hysteresis tab (figure 101) can be used to simulate a turbine control strategy at high wind speeds. The user inputs the wind speed thresholds along with the time in seconds required above or below that speed in order to trigger cut out or cut in respectively. This functionality only works with time-series energy capture and works best when using a 10 minute calculation interval. A scale factor is used to convert speeds at shorter time intervals into 10 minute equivalents. That scale factor is obviously 1.0 for 10 minute speeds and is the gust factor for 3 second speeds. We assume that the 5s speed is 0.97 of the 3s speed and then use those three points to create a logarithmic curve which is then used to come up with a scale factor for any time interval between 3s and 10 minutes. Where hourly speeds are used, the gust factor is further divided by 0.9 so long as the user checks the box in the dialog above.

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