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Glossary of Terms

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Ambient TI the average ambient turbulence intensity weighted by the wind speed distribution

Capacity factor the net energy divided by the number of hours in a year multipled by the nameplate capacity of the turbine

Gross energy – the estimated energy yield before array (wake) effects

Ideal energy – the gross energy expected if all the turbines were at the met mast location or if the speed-up ratios are all set to one (scale speed-ups by zero in Energy Capture Settings )

Net energy – the final estimated energy yield including all losses and curtailments

Theoretical gross energy – the gross energy plus any shutdown losses (modelled availability, temperature shutdown, temperature derating, scheduling, wind sector management, high wind hysteresis)

TI – turbulence intensity

TI@15m/s - the total TI at 15 m/s

Topographic efficiency – the ratio of gross energy to ideal energy or the effect of speed-up ratios. In general, for a site which has had a well-planned measurement campaign, this should be close to 100%

Total TI – the ambient TI plus any wake-induced TI


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